Here's Bradford Beach about 10am Jan 1st 2015.And here's the chilly water we'll be plunging into.Support Team Member Randy(on Right) was the first arrive.  I'm on the left.Support Team Member Wayne is two fisting the PBRs this morning.... nice hats ladies.Looks like the "Polar Bears" are giving interviews this year.The Dive Rescue Team is here.It's always good to see the dive team... just in case.A lot of folks had warming fires this year....And more fire.And more.Here's a nice one too.And here is our's, nice, contained and warm.Ah... nice beads.Speaking of nice... here's a nice Polar Bear.And not nice.And not nice... hey wait that's me pre-plunge.
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Here's Bradford Beach about 10am Jan 1st 2015.